Community Classes

Our mission is to provide educational classes to the community. We strive to learn and grow together.

Upcoming Classes

Toddler Sensory Motor Group

Join this group led by pediatric occupational therapists. Help your child gain confidence with their motor skills.

Classes are held
Wednesdays 10-10:45 am

18 month - 36 month class

Caregiver participation and a monthly commitment required.

Previous Classes

Supplements & Healthy Snacks

This class will give some great ideas for basic supplements, self-regulations, and healthy snacks!

Evidence Based EFT (Tapping)

Coping Skills

This class discussed several ways to start practicing healthy coping skills with your children - deep breathing, music therapy, tapping, and meditation.

Basics for Pediatric Depression & Anxiety

This class discussed the basics for pediatric depression and anxiety.

Click below to review the presentation and additional materials.

Our Next Classes

Supporting Your Child’s Emotional Regulation

This class discussed supporting your child’s emotional regulation.

ADHD Strategies

This class discussed nutritional deficiencies, sleep disorders, and toxicity.

Click below to review the presentation and additional materials.

Reach out to us to hear more about the next upcoming classes in 2024!